
Adelanto Police2077 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Adelanto Police485 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Alameda County Deputy Sheriff (California)571 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Alameda County Narcotics Task Force545 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Alameda County Sheriff's Department763 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Alameda County Sheriff's Mounted Posse (California)555 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Alameda Police667 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Alameda Police C.I.R.T.571 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Alameda Police Department (California)315 viewsThanks to Paul Howard for this scan.

Alameda Police Department Civil Defense (California)385 viewsThanks to Matthew Marano for this picture.

Albany Police581 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Albany Police340 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary Maximum Security Guard (California)571 viewsThanks to PaulsFirePatches.com for this scan.

Alcohol Beverage Control Police Department (California)455 viewsThanks to 2summit25 for this picture.

Alcoholic Beverage Control700 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Alhambra Police412 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Allan Hancock College Campus Police Department (California)480 viewsThanks to Matthew Marano for this picture.

Allan Hancock College Santa Maria Police (California)467 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Allan Hancock College Santa Maria Police Department (California)421 viewsThanks to PaulsFirePatches.com for this scan.

Alpine County Sheriff (California)912 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Alturas Police (California)399 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Amador County Sheriff499 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Amador County Sheriff379 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Amador County Sheriff488 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Ames Research Center Moffett Federal Airfield Protective Services Office Security Police (California)384 viewsThanks to Paul Howard for this scan.

Anaheim Police (California)477 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Anderson Police (California)374 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Anderson Police Department (California)405 viewsThanks to swmpside for this picture.

Angels Police454 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Angels Police Department (California)532 viewsThanks to Paul Howard for this scan.

Antioch Police385 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Antioch Police (California)480 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Antioch Police (California)375 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Antioch Police Department (California)406 viewsThanks to 2summit25 for this picture.

Arcadia Police (California)340 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Arroyo Grande Police (California)344 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Arroyo Grande Police K-9343 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Arvin Police Department (California)42 viewsThanks to Chulsey

Atascadero Police445 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Atwater Police490 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Atwater Police (California)356 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Auburn Police (California)351 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Auburn Police Department (California)349 viewsThanks to Mark C Barilovich for this scan.

Azusa Police (California)415 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Bakersfield Police540 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Bakersfield Police Department (California)374 viewsThanks to 2summit25 for this picture.

Baldwin Park Police330 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Baldwin Park Police (California)419 viewsThanks to Police-Patches-Collector.com for this scan.

Banning Police (California)414 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Banning Police (California)432 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Barstow Police (California)377 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Bay Area Rapid Transit Dist Police424 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District Police (California)446 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Bay Area Rapid Transit District Police Department Community Service Assistant (California)453 viewsThanks to 2summit25 for this picture.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District Police Department SWAT Team (California)613 viewsThanks to 2summit25 for this picture.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District Police Department SWAT Team (California)527 viewsThanks to 2summit25 for this picture.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District Revenue Protection (California)530 viewsThanks to 2summit25 for this picture.

Bear Valley Police582 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Bear Valley Police (California)452 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Beaumont Police (California)373 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Beaumont Police (California)513 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Bell Cudahy Police513 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Bell Gardens Police513 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Bell Police423 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Bell Police Explorer (California)446 viewsThanks to Police-Patches-Collector.com for this scan.

Bell Police Narcotics K-9 (California)300 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Belmont Police (California)298 viewsThanks to Mark C Barilovich for this scan.

Belvedere Police (California)353 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Berkeley Police (California)295 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Berkeley Police Department (California)367 viewsThanks to PaulsFirePatches.com for this scan.

Beverly Hills Police (California)422 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Beverly Hills Police (California)521 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Beverly Hills Police Parking Officer's (California)319 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Bishop Police390 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Black Bart Casino Security (California)322 viewsThanks to PaulsFirePatches.com for this scan.

Blue Lake Police312 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Blue Lake Police (California)403 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Blue Lake Police K-9 (California)302 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Blythe Police Dept536 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Brawley Police619 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Brea Police (California)314 viewsScan By: PatchGallery.com

Brea Police Department (California)382 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Brentwood Police (California)369 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Brisbane Police (California)331 viewsThanks to BensPatchCollection.com for this scan.

Bristo Camino Police Department2098 viewsThanks to Chris Rhew for this picture.

Broadmoor Police (California)381 viewsThanks to Mark C Barilovich for this scan.

Buena Park Police488 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Burbank Glendale Pasadena Airport Authority Police (California)484 viewsThanks to Mark C Barilovich for this scan.

Burbank Glendale Pasadena Airport Authority Police (California)711 viewsThanks to Police-Patches-Collector.com for this scan.

Burbank Parks and Recreation Park Patrol (California)335 viewsThanks to PaulsFirePatches.com for this scan.

Burbank Police360 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Burlingame Police (California)410 viewsThanks to Police-Patches-Collector.com for this scan.

Burlingame Police K-9 (California)367 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Butte College Police (California)295 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Butte County Sheriff (California)326 viewsThanks to Mark C Barilovich for this scan.

Butte County Sheriff Aviation Unit (California)324 viewsThanks to EmblemAndPatchSales.com for this scan.

Cabazon Band of Mission Indians Tribal Police Department (California)387 viewsThanks to Scott McDairmant for this scan.

Cache Creek Tribal Patrol (California)499 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Calaveras County Sheriff (California)549 viewsThanks to apdsgt for this scan.

Calexico Police Department (California)67 viewsThanks to Chulsey
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